Scary Situation At Sydney Zoo When 5 Lions Roam Outside The Cage
Photo by Jeremy Avery on Unsplash

JAKARTA - Alert 1 -- the highest emergency code -- was enforced at Sydney's Taronga Zoo after five lions left their cages.

Management immediately issued an emergency warning and forced staff and visitors to flee to a safe zone, as quoted from the Sydney Morning Herald, Wednesday 2 November.

The lions - one adult male and four cubs - were seen outside their 'home' at 6.30 am local time on Wednesday.

The zoo said an emergency response was imposed less than 10 minutes after the lions fled.

Although the lions were still in an area separated from the rest of the complex by a 6-foot fence, guests staying at the zoo were immediately moved to safety.

"They ran into the tent area saying, 'this is code one, get out of the tent and run, come now and leave your things'," Magnus Perri, one of the guests, told local media.

The zoo keeper finally managed to return all the beasts without any incident.

No people or animals were injured and the venue was open as usual.

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