JAKARTA - Sandiaga Uno inaugurated an animated center which is claimed to be the center of the largest animation in Indonesia. Not only animation, but also the center of the film.

The area is then called Animation & Film Factory. Centered in the Singosari Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Malang, East Java.

The Animation Center and this film are known to have at least 20 studios with 500 creators. This area adheres to a core plasma pattern, which is expected to realize good content democratization.

Sandiaga Uno said that the first step is currently more focused on animation content that doesn't seem promising enough. However, he believes this is a good start. Moreover, Indonesia also has many reliable creators in the field of animation who will create interesting breakthroughs.

"We have also just issued PP 24 of 2022 which can be a legal basis so that IT can become the object of financing through fiduciary guarantees. We hope that later this AFF can be born the next Mickey Mouse or the next Gundala," Sandiaga explained, Wednesday, October 26, as quoted from the ministry's website.

Sandiaga said that in the future the development of the Singasari SEZ will not only be focused on the animated sector. But there are 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy hang that will be developed in the Singasari SEZ, where animation will be the leading sector of the Singasari SEZ.

"The animation has a fairly high selling value. For example, Walt Disney, which initially only focused on Mickey Mouse animations. But over time they continued to grow and grow. Including being a Disneyland theme park and owning an augmented reality studio and becoming a tourist. Now Disneyland is worth around USD 400 billion," he explained.

In addition to being the largest in Indonesia, community-based development patterns will give birth to creators who can collaborate in producing high quality content. The development of animation centers and films will make vocational education the backbone of the creation of reliable digital talents.

"Now a fairly good creative economy ecosystem has been built and the initial focus is on animation. This is part of our efforts to create 1.1 million new jobs this year and 4.4 million by 2022," said Sandiaga Uno.

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