JAKARTA - The CCTV DVR, which was previously held by the South Jakarta Police, has finally been controlled again by Ferdy Sambo's 'geng'. When the four policemen had time to watch CCTV, they were shocked because the story of Ferdy Sambo's sexual harassment began to appear to be just a fabrication.

All of these things were summarized in Ferdy Sambo's indictment which was read alternately by the prosecutor at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17. The murder of Brigadier J took place at the Ferdy Sambo official residence, Duren Tiga Street, No 46.

After being controlled, Ferdy Sambo's men then moved CCTV data into the flash drive. Then there were four police personnel, at the house of the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Police, AKBP Ridwan Rhyrnellson, who watched the CCTV data.

Those who watched were Kompol Baiquni Wibowo, Kompol Chuck Putranto, AKBP Ridwan Rhekynellson and AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin. This is where they smelled something was wrong.

"Bang, Joshua is still alive," said Commissioner Chuck Putranto.

In fact, said the Prosecutor, AKBP Arif Rachman Arifin admitted that he was surprised because it meant that all the explanations submitted by the South Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi and Karopenmas Police Headquarters, Brigadier General Ramdhan, contradicted CCTV footage.

The Deputy Head of B Ropaminal Divpropam Polri spontaneously contacted Brigadier General Hendra Kurniawan and told the real condition of the CCTV footage. AKBP Arif Rachman -- said the prosecutor -- even called in a trembling and scared voice. Brigadier General Hendra suggested AKBP Arif meets Ferdy Sambo.

July 13, 2022, Hendra and Arif finally met Ferdy Sambo at the National Police Headquarters. Hendra explained that Arif had a difference in Ferdy Sambo's statement with CCTV footage.

"Really?" answered Ferdy Sambo.

Arif clearly then told what he saw.

"When you don't believe in me," said Sambo to Hendra and Arif. But there is a tone of suppression and emotions starting.

"It means that if there is a leak, it will be the four of you," said Sambo again referring to the four policemen who watched.

Sambo then asked Arif to destroy all files. He also asked Hendra to make sure he was 'OK-up', especially to the four people who watched it.

During this conversation, Arif kept looking down and didn't dare to look at Sambo.

"Why don't you dare to look me in the eye? You already know what happened to Ms. (Putri)," Sambo told Arif with tears.

After this meeting, Arif immediately met with Chuck and Baiquni. Continuing Ferdy Sambo's request, Arif asked that all files on the laptop and flash drive be destroyed.

"The order of the Head of Division, the witness is Karo Paminal," said Arif.

"Bang, ask for time to backup personal files on my laptop before it is formatted," said Baiquni.

The next day, the laptop where the file was stored was broken by Arif.

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