JAKARTA - Putri Candrawathi immediately called her husband Ferdy Sambo when she received unwearing treatment from the late Brigadier J at Magelang's house, Central Java. With teary eyes, Putri said Brigadier J had entered her private room and committed an abusive act. This was conveyed in the trial of Putri Candrawathi's indictment which was held at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17. Ferdy Sambo was furious to hear this but Putri calmed her husband down not to contact anyone. "Don't contact the aide, don't contact the others," said Putri in the indictment read by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the South Jakarta District Court.... Putri is worried that with the small size of the house in Magelang, many parties will hear of a feud or something unwanted happened. Moreover, Brigadier J's body is much bigger than the other aides who accompanied him in Magelang (Bharada E and RR). "Ferdy Sambo approved the request of the defendant Putri Candrawathi and the defendant Putri Candrawathi asked to return to Jakarta and would tell her about the incident in Magelang after arriving in Jakarta," continued the prosecutor. Still in the indictment read out, Putri's confession to Sambo began with the incident at Magelang's house on Thursday 7 July. Putri led Bharada E, who was at the Magelang square Mosque, to return home. Arriving at home, Bharada E and RR heard a commotion but did not know exactly the trigger of the commotion. Bharada E and RR then went into Putri's room to put her clothes on with a blanket. "At that time, witness RR asked "what is wrong, ma'am?" and the Defendant Putri Candrawati answered "Yosua (Brigadir J) where? Putri then asked Witness RR (Ricky Rizal) to summon the victim Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat to meet the Defendant Putri Candrawati," wrote the indictment. At that time, RR did not immediately call the victim Brigadier J but went down to the 1st floor of the house first to take HS firearm Number H233001 belonging to the victim Brigadier J and also took a long-barreled weapon of the Steyr Aug type, Kal 223, factory number in the bedroom of the victim Brigadier J. RR then secured the two weapons to the second floor in Sambo's children's room. After being safe, RR just went down to the 1st floor to approach the victim Brigadier J who was in front of the house, then asked the victim. "What's wrong Yos?" and the victim answered "I don't know, bro, why are you (Maruf) angry with me?" RR then invited Brigadier J to enter the house because he was summoned by Putri. This invitation was rejected by Brigadier J but RR persuaded him to enter first on the 2nd floor. Brigadier J then met Putri who was on the bed leaning. Brigadier J who was sitting on the floor spent about 15 minutes in the room.

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