NTB - The man with the initials AR (40), who is suspected of hoarding subsidized diesel fuel in Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), is threatened with 6 years in prison and a fine of Rp60 billion.

The head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Lombok Police, First Police Inspector (Iptu) Redho Rizky Pratama explained, that the criminal threat for AR is by the results of the case title determination of the suspect.

"According to the results of the case, the person concerned is named a suspect under the suspicion of Article 55 related to Oil and Gas in the Job Creation Act", said Redho in Mataram, NTB, Wednesday, September 14.

By naming AR from Aik Darek, Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency, as a suspect, police investigators have now detained him in the Central Lombok Police Detention Room.

"We hold it to facilitate the investigation process", he said.

From the examination, Redho conveyed the motivation of the suspect AR to hoard the subsidized diesel fuel.

"According to a provisional confession, this suspect is hoarding to resell to retailers. Some are also sold to milling entrepreneurs. They sell it at a higher price than the price at gas stations", he said.

This hoarding action was also said by Redho to have been carried out by AR 6 months ago. The suspect used the hoarding mode by buying directly from the gas station using large jerry cans in 35 and 20-liter packaging sizes.

Furthermore, Redho conveyed that the handling of the fuel hoarding case with the suspect AR is now in the process of finalizing the file.

"So, we're just waiting for the expert's statement. This expert is from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) in Jakarta. After we get that, we'll hand over the file to the prosecutor for investigation", said Redho.

The suspect AR was arrested at his home, Wednesday night, August 31, after buying subsidized diesel fuel at the Aik Darek gas station, Central Lombok Regency.

From AR's arrest, the police confiscated dozens of jerry cans of 35 and 20-liter sizes. From inside the jerry can found at least 495 liters of subsidized diesel fuel. All evidence was secured from AR's kitchen.

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