JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) immediately coordinated with the National Police, especially the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) regarding the status of Bharada Richard Eliezer or Bharada E as a suspect in the murder case of Brigadier J.

"We will first coordinate with the police and ask if the person concerned is willing to become a justice collaborator", said LPSK Chairman, Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 4.

Hasto emphasized that currently, Bharada E is still an applicant who is applying for protection to the LPSK. This is because the assessment and investigation process for Bharada E has not yet been completed.

"We are still conducting assessments and investigations. Yesterday was just a psychological assessment", he said.

After coordinating with the police, continued Hasto, shortly the same steps will also be taken with lawyer Bharada E.

Coordination with the police is aimed at ascertaining Bharada E's legal status whether as the sole suspect or there are other possibilities.

However, he continued, if you look at the articles imposed by the police, then Bharada E is not the sole perpetrator. LPSK will also confirm whether Bharada E is the main single actor or not.

Regarding the assessment and investigation carried out by LPSK on Bharada E before he was named a suspect, Hasto said the results of the psychological assessment could not be disclosed to the public because it had not been completed.

"In this assessment, LPSK digs deeper into matters concerning the person suspected of being the perpetrator. In general, the information provided by Bharada E is also consistent with the information circulating so far", he explained.

Lastly, for the psychological assessment, it is more about whether the person concerned needs psychological assistance or not. However, the assessment is also placed as part of the investigative process.

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