LEBAK - Pilgrims from Lebak Regency, Banten Province who have returned to their homeland, have no COVID-19. The certainty was based on an examination of all Lebak pilgrims, group 24.

"All hajj pilgrims from Lebak as many as 290 people who are members of the Pondok Gede Jakarta Embarkation Group 24 have passed the PCR swab test, no COVID-19 was found," said the Head of the Lebak Regency Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) H Badru Salam in Lebak, Banten, Sunday 31 July. The arrival of the pilgrims was centered at the Lebak Regency Government Pendopo Building on Sunday, July 31, at 09.00 western Indonesia time. The pilgrims were received directly by the Regent Iti Octavia of the local Regional Leadership Forum (Forpinda). The pilgrims were picked up by their relatives at the Multatuli Rangkasbitung Square, Lebak.

"The arrival of family members of the hajj pilgrims went smoothly and did not cause traffic jams," he said, according to Antara. According to him, all Lebak Regency hajj pilgrims, including health workers, were in good health in carrying out the series of hajj pilgrimages in the Holy Land, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. he said that the pilgrims did not experience any problems when performing the pilgrimage. In addition, none of the pilgrims on the Jakarta Embarkation Group 24 Pondok Gede died or got sick.

"We pray that the pilgrims will be a mabrur and mabrurah hajj," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Lebak Iti Octavia said the local government asked the pilgrims to increase their piety and faith in Allah SWT.

"We are grateful that the pilgrims are safe and can gather with their families," she said.

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