BREBES - Two perpetrators of violent theft have been arrested by the Brebes Police. The two perpetrators with the initials DT (30) and FF (30) were arrested separately in the Cirebon area. This was done after the authorities conducted an investigation and reconnaissance for several weeks.

When making arrests, the police were forced to take firm action because the two perpetrators resisted and tried to escape.

In a press statement revealing the case at the local Police Headquarters, Brebes Police Chief AKBP Faisal Febrianto said that revealing the case began when one of the victims with the initials IF (21) reported the actions of the two perpetrators to the police.

The victim became the target of a robbery when he crossed Rungkang Village, Losari, Brebes Regency on June 25, at around 13.00 WIB.

"At the TKP, the two perpetrators with the initials DT (30) and FF (30) who rode an RX King motorbike grabbed the victim and claimed to be a member of the police from the Brebes Police. The victim was then forced to show the STNK and BPKB of the motorbike he was driving while being afraid to use a toy gun," said AKBP Faisal through a written statement, Wednesday (13 July).

Because the victim did not bring the documents, the two perpetrators took the victim's motorbike. Not only that, the victim was also abused many times by the perpetrator.

Based on the officer's examination of the perpetrators, said Faisal, it was revealed that the two had carried out the same mode of action in 12 locations.

The results of the officer's examination showed, he continued, that the perpetrators took action in Tanjung District at 7 locations, in Kersana District at 3 locations and Keanggungan District at 2 locations.

"The area targeted by the perpetrators was not only in Brebes. They also took action in the Cirebon area," said the Police Chief.

In carrying out the action, he explained, apart from taking the victim's motorbike, at several other crime scenes (TKP) it was known that the two perpetrators did not hesitate to persecute the victim.

"Victims will be persecuted if they refuse to hand over their motorbikes or belongings," explained AKBP Faisal.

At all crime scenes, he said, the perpetrators always used the same method, namely claiming to be a police officer and scaring the victim with a toy gun.

The police chief also said that related to the actions of the perpetrators, the police managed to confiscate a number of evidence from the crime in the form of a number of motorbikes and cellphones. The evidence is currently being held for investigation purposes.

"In addition to securing the suspects, 8 motorbikes from several crime scenes, toy guns, and several other pieces of evidence were used by the perpetrators during their actions," he said.

According to the Chief of Police, it is possible that his party will develop the case to the custodians.

He also appealed to the public not to easily trust people who claim to be police officers without showing a letter of assignment or other identification.

In carrying out their actions, he said, the perpetrators always targeted school children. For that he asked the public to be careful.

"If someone claims to be a police officer, don't believe it easily. Please ask for the warrant," he urged.

For their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 9 years.

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