JAKARTA - There are obstacles to eradicating online gambling. They often appear using names or forms of games that are slightly different from previous games whose access has been cut off by the Ministry of Communication and Information.

"So it gives the impression that online gambling platforms have not been handled, especially gambling activities are also regulated differently in other countries, so that enforcement of cross-border platforms is also a challenge," said Spokesperson for the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) Dedy Permadi in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 5. from Between.

Regarding non-technical constraints, continued Dedy, the Ministry of Communication and Information found that gambling activities also apply on platforms that do not specifically display gambling or invite several parties to bet.

"So the reach of eradicating gambling activities is quite large and requires strong synergy with the relevant authorities," added Dedy.

Dedy explained that offering online gambling slots through the WhatsApp short message application is also another challenge because the content is private. Meanwhile, the supervisory capabilities carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Information are limited to public content.

"Our community asks us to be active in reporting if they receive a personal gambling offer," said Dedy.

People who receive gambling offer messages through the WhatsApp platform can report directly via the link. The public can also report numbers that offer gambling through the Twitter complaint channel @aduanPPI or through the https://service.kominfo.go.id/ link.

Furthermore, Dedy conveyed that the modus operandi of online gambling offers via WhatsApp was carried out randomly based on phone number data owned by the organizers, so that this offer could target anyone.

Online gambling victims are generally offered easy wins with small registration fees or light joining conditions. If successful, the players are persuaded to bet a larger amount of money.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics itself has cut off access to 525,532 gambling content on various digital platforms, from 2018 to July 4, 2022.

"The Ministry of Communication and Informatics also oversees the distribution of content in the digital space, including gambling content, either independently or in collaboration with other ministries/agencies," said Dedy.

In addition to cutting off access, the Ministry of Communication and Information encourages people's digital literacy to increase and supports the police in enforcing the law against perpetrators of spreading gambling content.

"The Ministry of Communication and Information has again reminded that according to Article 303 bis of the Criminal Code, gambling players are also threatened with a maximum imprisonment of four years and/or a maximum criminal fine of 10 million rupiah," said Dedy.

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