JAKARTA - Russia has harshly criticized Ukraine, saying they are again presenting the image of a state authority that will disband and flee within 24 hours, if not assisted by Western alliances.

That was conveyed by State Duma Chairman, Vyacheslav Volodin, who said the situation in Ukraine had proved to be another show for the country's authorities, without NATO (North Atlantic Defense Pact) support they would disband in a day.

"Once NATO stops the supply of weapons, which makes you a profit, and stops sending mercenaries, you will run away within 24 hours", Volodin said on his Telegram channel, quoting TASS on June 21.

He stressed that Ukrainian officials keep their money in foreign bank accounts, while their families are away from the country

"For you, the current situation in Ukraine is another TV show. And if you take a shovel in your hand, for the first time in your life, it's just to pose for a photo", quipped Volodin.

Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba said during an ARD TV broadcast that his side would continue to fight Russia if the West stopped its supplies, ready to fight with spades if needed.

Launching Daily Pioneer 21, Kuleba said Ukraine would continue to fight against Russia, even if it didn't have any weapons, so the West had to speed up its arms deliveries or take responsibility for the deaths of its troops.

"If we don't get weapons, fine. Then we will fight with spades. But we will continue to defend ourselves because this is a war for our existence", Kuleba was quoted as saying in an interview with German public broadcaster ARD.

"The sooner we get the weapons, the sooner they are delivered, the better. If they arrive late, we will still be grateful, but then there will be a lot of waste and a lot of people will die from the past", he added.

It is known that Ukraine had some of the largest military stocks among the former Soviet Republics when the Soviet Union disbanded. But now it is reduced to half, along with the war against Russia and its allies in the east.

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