JAKARTA - A number of labor unions have asked the party faction in the DPR that rejects the Job Creation Act to carry out a legislative review.

However, one of the factions that rejected it, the PKS DPR RI faction, did not seem to have any intention of encouraging other factions in parliament to submit a legislative review of the Job Creation Law.

Legislative review is the process of examining laws carried out by the DPR as a legislative body. This test aims to review articles in regulations that are considered problematic and can invalidate these rules.

Although he rejected the ratification of the Job Creation Law, Mulyanto, a member of the DPR RI Legislation Body from the PKS faction, said that the legislative review was not appropriate.

"The legislative review of the Job Creation Law is not yet right in the current conditions. This is because the road for this legislative review is relatively longer," said Mulyanto when contacted, Sunday, October 23.

Mulyanto explained that the process of forming a legislative review is the same as submitting a new bill. There needs to be a long journey.

First, compiling a draft legislative review to the DPR Legislation Body (Baleg). Then, submit it in the prolegnas, then submit it so that it becomes a priority in 2020.

"To be a priority in 2021 seems a bit difficult," said Mulyanto.

Not to mention, there needs to be a process of harmonization and discussion in Baleg in the Working Committee until it's finished. Proceeded to the baleg plenary meeting, entered into the plenary session, then the legislative review bill was sent to the government.

After that, wait for the Government to make an inventory of problems (DIM), then return to the DPR with an agenda for the Panja discussion between the DPR and the government, the Baleg plenary meeting, to the plenary meeting.

"With the current political configuration in the DPR, I am not very optimistic about being approved. In fact, it could be stuck at every long stage. Political calculations are like that," he explained.

Previously, the President of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPI) KSPI demanded that all factions of the DPR hold a legislative review process to cancel the Job Creation Law.

"Based on the provisions of Article 20 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution, the DPR holds the power to form a law, so that the DPR has the authority to make a new law to cancel the work copyright law through a legislative review process," said Said Iqbal.

In this request, KSPI has officially sent letters to each of the chairmen of the party factions in the parliament, namely PDIP, Golkar, Gerindra, Nasdem, PKB, Democrat, PKS, PAN, and PPP.

Said Iqbal asked DPR members not to ignore requests for legislative review, especially to the Democratic Party and PKS. This is because when the Work Creation Law was ratified, the two parties firmly rejected the Omnibus Law.

"The DPR should not throw away the body, especially the two factions that strongly reject the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. The PKS and Democrat factions can take the initiative to conduct a legislative review because it is justified by the 45 Constitution and the Law on Establishing Legislation," he said.

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