JAKARTA - Constitutional Law expert Jimly Asshiddiqie said that Indonesia needs to develop studies on national figures and their thoughts to provide space for adding alternative ideas.

"Because in Indonesia, the study of figures is dry. There are two studies that we must develop, namely a regional study and a character study," he said when delivering his presentation in the Civilization-Paramadina discussion series entitled "Nurcholish Madjid and Indonesia", which was broadcast on the Zoom Meeting platform, monitored from Jakarta, Thursday, June 2.

On that occasion, he shared his experience when managing and discussing candidates for the title and award of national hero. He said the lack of studies on national figures and the thoughts of these figures was one of the obstacles during the preparation.

“I have been a historian for ten years, for 10 years managing the board of honors and honors. Every time we want to discuss the candidate for the title of national hero, the study of the figures and their thoughts is very small,” he said.

Therefore, his party asked to organize seminars in the regions to encourage, promote, and fight for someone to become a national hero.

"Indonesia is a country with the most national heroes, but all of them are rather poor in history and thought studies," said Jimly.

To overcome the lack of studies of national figures and the thoughts of each figure, Jimly hopes that the Center for Nurcholish Madjid Study launched by Paramadina University can develop into a study center for other national figures and not only limited to studies on the thoughts of Nurcholish Madjid or Cak Nur.

The development he meant was to make the Center for Nurcholish Madjid Study a forum to integrate studies, theses, dissertations, and other research on national figures in a coordinated and integrated manner.

"If it could be done, Paramadina University's contribution would be enormous to develop the spirit of thought of the nation's leaders," said Jimly.

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