Dilan Initiated Marine Ecotourism In Makassar, Wants To Create Canal Tours
Candidates for mayor-vice mayor of Makassar Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda (Dilan)

MAKASSAR - Candidate pair number three, Syamsu Rizal-Fadli Ananda, is committed to boosting the tourism sector in Makassar City, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). One of the programs is the creation of a Collaborative Ecotourism Area (Kilat).

Syamsu Rizal, who is familiarly called Deng Ical, said that in addition to optimizing existing tourist destinations, his party will encourage the presence of new eco-friendly tourist objects. The goal is to increase tourist visits to Makassar City which will have an impact on economic progress.

"Dilan has a Kilat program, where we develop an ecotourism area that can be accessed by all citizens. The government must care about the tourism sector because it has extraordinary multiplier effects, both on the community, business actors and the government," said Deng Ical, Tuesday, 20 October.

"One of them is presenting maritime ecotourism or community-based maritime ecotourism. The existence of marine ecotourism will be accompanied by regional, national and international events which are expected to boost tourist visits, both domestic and foreign," he continued.

One thing that Dilan wants to achieve is canal tourism. However, according to him, this plan must be supported by the community.

The presence of canal tours will certainly be accompanied by canal cleaning so that the impression of being dirty and slum is no longer present.

"We will encourage cheap canal tourism, empower the community and preserve the environment," said the Muhammadiyah cadre.

In addition, Dilan will encourage religious and cultural tourism (historical sites) with fun innovations. That way, a visit to a tourist attraction will be educational.

"We will also develop a Tourism Route and Rate, a kind of tourist information center complete with routes and prices," he said.

Another plan is the construction of the Maritime Museum. Deng Ical said that Indonesia is a maritime country and Makassar in particular is very well known for its maritime culture. This can be seen from the Bugis-Makassar sailors whose footprints are mostly abroad.

"Our common dream that DILAN wants to achieve is to build a Maritime Museum, we want to revitalize the spirit of pride in the maritime community. Moreover, Makassar is known as a maritime area. Our area is synonymous with Pinisi boats and accomplished sailors," he said.

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