JAYAPURA - Jayawijaya Resort Police arrested the perpetrator of the murder with the initials PK (30) on Sinakma Street Wamena, Papua.

The Head of Public Relations of the Papuan Police, Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said that after an investigation was carried out regarding the murder case at the Pikhe Wamena Bridge, the police managed to find out the identity of the perpetrator.

"From the results of the investigation, it was known that the perpetrator was on Jalan Sinakma Wamena, so that personnel immediately secured the perpetrator along with evidence of a machete without a fight", said Commissioner Kamal in a written statement, Monday, May 2.

Currently, the perpetrators and the evidence have been handed over to the Jayawijaya Police Sat Reskrim investigators for further examination.

"The perpetrator is currently under intensive investigation by the Jayawijaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit", said Commissioner Kamal.

Kamal explained that the murder of the victim named Yance Marian (28) occurred on Sunday, April 24 at the Pikhe Wamena Bridge, Jayawijaya Regency.

"From the examination of witnesses who have been examined, information is obtained that at that time, there were two groups of residents sitting drinking liquor and at that time the victim was in one of these groups", explained Kamal.

While drinking, Kamal said, there was a dispute and a commotion between the two groups resulted in the victim's death with a number of stab and stab wounds on his body.

"While drinking, there was a commotion that resulted in the victim being stabbed and died", said Commissioner Kamal.

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