BOGOR - The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) of Bogor City appealed to Muslim residents to pay zakat fitrah early in the month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri so that the committee can more easily arrange the distribution of zakat to recipients or mustahik.

"Since the 1st of Ramadan, it has been possible to pay because time is limited. If there are crowds on the night of takbiran, the committee has to distribute it," said the Acting Head of Bogor City Baznas Adi Novan in Bogor City, Tuesday.

Adi said that the value of zakat fitrah in the Bogor City area was equivalent to IDR 45,000 per person according to the West Java Baznas Circular.

According to him, Baznas determined the reference value of zakat fitrah based on the price of rice of IDR 18,000 per kilogram with the aim of inviting Muslims to give their best to others.

However, he explained, basically the amount of zakat fitrah is adjusted to the price of rice consumed by residents.

"If there are people who usually buy rice for IDR 10,000 per kilogram, they just need to multiply it by 2.5 kilograms, that's what they pay, or it can be given in the form of rice," he said.

"If you can afford it as usual in your daily diet, it's okay," he added.

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