JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has issued Circular Letter (SE) Number 40 of 2022 concerning Operational Arrangements for the Transportation of Goods during the Period of Homecoming and Backflow During Lebaran Transport in 2022.

Director-General of Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi said the SE was issued in order to optimize the movement of traffic flows during Eid 1443 H.

"This applies to the homecoming flow on April 28-1 May 2022 and the return flow on May 7-9 2022," said Budi Setiyadi in Jakarta, Friday, April 8, quoted from Antara.

Regulations on operational restrictions on the transportation of goods are carried out on goods cars with a Permitted Total Weight (JBI) of more than 14.000 kg, goods cars with 3 (three) or more axles, goods cars with attached trains, and trailers; and goods cars used to transport excavated materials including soil, sand and/or stone, mining materials, and building materials.

He said that the regulation of operational restrictions on goods transportation applies to Toll Roads and Non-Toll Roads (National Roads).

With the effective time for homecoming flows on Thursday, April 28, 2022, at 00.00 a.m. until Monday, May 9, 2022, at 12.00 p.m., and the return flow on Saturday, May 7, 2022, at 00.00 a.m. until Monday, May 9, 2022, at 12.00 p.m.

In detail, Director General Budi explained that there are 15 toll roads that have imposed restrictions on the operation of goods transportation, including:

1. Bakauheni - Palembang Toll Road;

2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sedyatmo Toll Road;

3. JORR Toll Road;

4. Jakarta - Bogor - Ciawi - Cigombong Toll Road;

5. Jakarta - Cikampek Toll Road;

6. Cikampek - Purwakarta - Padalarang - Cileunyi Toll Road;

7. Cikampek - Palimanan - Kanci - Pejagan Toll Road;

8. Pejagan - Pemalang - Batang - Semarang Toll Road;

9. Krapyak - Jatingaleh Toll Road;

10. Jatingaleh - Srondol Toll Road;

11. Jatingaleh - Muktiharjo Toll Road;

12. Semarang - Solo - Ngawi Toll Road;

13. Ngawi - Kertosono - Mojokerto - Surabaya - Gempol - Pasuruan - Probolinggo Toll Road;

14. Surabaya - Gresik Toll Road and;

15. Pandan - Malang Toll Road.

Meanwhile, the 26 non-toll roads (National Roads) that have been subject to operational restrictions on goods transportation are the Medan - Berastagi road, the Pematang Siantar - Parapat Simalungun - Porsea road section, the Jambi - Padang road section via Sarolangun, the Jambi - Padang road section. via Tebo, the Jambi - Padang Road section via Sengeti and the Jambi - Palembang Road Section.

Then the Jalan Jakarta - Tangerang - Serang - Cilegon - Merak, the Jalan Merak - Cilegon - South Ring Cilegon - Anyer - Labuan, the Jalan Raya Merdeka - Jalan Raya Gatot Subroto, the Jalan Serang - Pandeglang - Labuan, the Jalan Bandung - Nagrek section - Tasikmalaya - Ciamis - Banjar, Jalan Bandung - Sumedang - Majalengka - Cirebon, and Jalan Ciawi - Cianjur.

"The Solo - Klaten - Yogyakarta Section, the Bawen - Magelang - Yogyakarta Section, the Brebes/Tegal - Ajibarang - Purwokerto Section, and the Purwokerto - Banjarnegara - Wonosobo - Magelang (Secang) Road," added Director General Budi.

Furthermore, this also applies to the Jalan Jogja - Wates, Jalan Jogja - Sleman - Magelang, Jalan Jogja - Wonosari, Southern Cross Road (Jalan Daendeles), Jalan Pandaan - Malang, Jalan Probolinggo - Lumajang, Jalan Caruban - Jombang, Banyuwangi - Jember, and Denpasar - Gilimanuk roads.

However, this operational regulation of goods transport does not apply to certain types of goods transporting vehicles with a certain load.

"This restriction does not apply to cars of goods transporting fuel oil or gas fuel, export, and import goods from and to export or import ports, bottled drinking water, livestock, fertilizers, postal delivery, and money, as well as basic goods such as rice, wheat flour, and so on," he said.

According to him, if there is a situational disturbance in traffic flow, the Police can carry out operational traffic management using traffic signs, traffic signaling devices, as well as temporary road user control and safety devices.

"On this occasion, I also appeal to all freight transport drivers to comply with applicable regulations and continue to apply strict health protocols in order to maintain safety, security, and traffic order," he concluded.

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