TANGERANG SELATAN - A man with the initials AH (30) attempted suicide on Sumamulya Street, Serua Indah, Ciputat, South Tangerang.
The Head of the East Ciputat Police, Commissioner Yulianto, said the incident occurred on Sunday, March 13, at 18.00 western Indonesia time.
Starting from Ahlul Zikri, one of the witnesses who came to the crime scene (TKP) to meet the victim at the drug store. At that time Ahlul saw the condition of the stall was closed. Ahlul returned to his house.
Not long after, Ahlul and his friend, Fikri Mulyadi, returned to the crime scene with the intention of meeting AH. However, again the drug store is still closed. Ahlul and his colleagues chose to go home.
Still curious to meet AH, right at 18.00 western Indonesia time, Ahlul and Fikri returned to the drug store. Arriving at the location the condition of the door has not changed, it is still closed. So curious, Ahlul and Fikri tried to open it. But he was surprised to see that it was unlocked.
The two men also went into the sauce to look for AH. What a surprise Ahlul and Fikri saw AH already lying limp in a condition covered in blood.
"The victim is lying limp and covered in blood," said Yulianto when confirmed, Monday, March 14.
After seeing the incident, the victim was immediately taken to the hospital to get medical attention for the cuts on his neck and hands.
"2 witnesses called residents who were around to ask for help to call an ambulance," he said.
On the occasion, Yulianto revealed that the victim's health condition had recovered.
"The victim is healthy. But still at Sari Asih Hospital. He doesn't want to talk about it (the reason of suicide)," he said.
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