BANDUNG - A woman with the initials IR, 29 years old, was arrested by the police after cheating by selling cooking oil below the current market price. As many as 18 victims lost up to IDR 1.1 billion.

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo said the arrests were made from two reports from the public who felt they had been cheated by the perpetrators to the Cileunyi Police.

"So the victims have not received cooking oil," said Kusworo at the Bandung Police, Bandung Regency, Tuesday, March 8, quoted from Antara.

Kusworo said that the two people who reported the alleged fraud claimed to have sent IDR 50 million and IDR 100 million to the perpetrators.

The reporters, he said, were tempted by the offer of the perpetrators who sold cooking oil at the offered price. Based on the investigation, the perpetrator admitted to the complainants that he could sell cooking oil for IDR 28.000 per two liters when there was a shortage of cooking oil.

"This makes people tempted to buy and there is a transaction of money from the victims to the suspect," said Kusworo.

Based on the data obtained, according to him, so far there have been as many as 18 people who have reported being victims of the fraud.

Of the 18 people, he said, the total money had reached around IDR 1.1 billion which was sent to the suspect to order cooking oil.

"By word of mouth, each victim invites each other that the person concerned or the suspect can provide cooking oil at a low price," said Kusworo.

Kusworo suspected that there were more than 18 victims. However, there is still no conclusion because currently the investigation is still being carried out by the investigators.

For his actions, IR was charged with Articles 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code on Fraud and Embezzlement with a penalty of four years in prison.

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