JAKARTA Since Gemini appeared on mobile devices, the presence of Google Assistant has begun to be ignored. Now, the virtual assistant is not only forgotten on mobile phones, but also on smartphones made by Samsung and LG.
The two South Korean companies announced the new television lineup at the annual technology show, namely the 2025 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). LG launched the latest OLED evo TV lineup, while Samsung launched the Neo QLED television lineup, OLED, and others.
Both Samsung and LG, both said they would adopt the latest virtual assistant. This assistant is not Gemini, a replacement for Google Assistant, but Copilot who is Microsoft's Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based assistant.
LG, on its official website, says that its newest smart TV uses big language (LLM) models to better understand the context of the conversation. To support this technology, they deliberately adopted Copilot's assistant.
"Access to Microsoft Copilot further simplifies the process, allowing users to efficiently find and set up complex information," LG said. "AI Chatbot proactively identifies potential user challenges and offers timely and effective solutions."
Samsung has almost the same reason. Through its official website, the Galaxy mobile phone manufacturer says that they partnered with Microsoft to bring a smarter and personal experience to its AI-based smart TV.
"In collaboration with Microsoft, several Samsung Smart TV and Smart Monitor 2025 will be equipped with Microsoft Copilot. This partnership allows you to explore various Copilot services, including recommendations for personalized content," explains Samsung.
Since 2023, Samsung has stopped presenting Google Assistant on its various television models. This technology is no longer a selling point, even for LG. This situation is not surprising because Google TV also intends to replace Google Assistant with Gemini this year.
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