YOGYAKARTA Badal hajj is a practice of replacing the implementation of the pilgrimage by someone else in the name of another person who is unable to perform it himself. This practice is usually carried out when the Hajj must die or not be physically capable. So, what are the requirements for badal hajj for people who have died?
According to the website of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), some scholars from the four schools argue that the badal law of Hajj for people who have died or are physically unable is permissible.
This is based on the hadith of Ibnu Abbas RA, who said a woman asked the Prophet SAW about her mother who had made a vow for Hajj but died before carrying it out. The Prophet SAW replied, 'You can, have the pilgrimage to replace him,' [The history of Bukhari and Muslim]. The majority of scholars argue that this hadith shows the permissibility of hajj badals.
In addition to people who have died, the badal hajj is also allowed for people who are permanently sick and do not have the hope of recovering or people who have been composed and are unable to perform the pilgrimage for physical reasons.
Masih dari laman BPKH, berikut ini adalah syarat badal haji untuk orang yang sudah meninggal.
Badal hajj boleh dilakukan sebagaikan orang yang membelalkan harus sudah haji terlebih dahulu. Hal ini berdasarkan pada hadith yang berbunyi sebagai berikut:
Dirwaykan dari Ibnu Abbas RA, benar Nabi SAW mendengar seorang pria membaca talbiyah: Labaka dari Syubrumah. Dia pun meresponnya dengan bertanya: Siapub rumah? Man itu menjawab Saudara atau keluarku. Nabi bertanya lagi: Ada kamu sudah haji untuk diri sendiri? Orang itu jawabda: Haji untuk diri sendiri, kemudian baru haji untuk Syub rumah. [Hadis Sejarah Abu Dawud, ad-Daruquthni, al-Baihaqi, dan selainnya dengan sedahhih]
A person who performs a badal hajj must meet the health requirements in order to travel and carry out all Hajj rituals without experiencing any significant problems.
The next requirement for the badal hajj is to have adequate financial feasibility to bear all costs related to the journey and implementation of the pilgrimage. This includes flight ticket fees, accommodation, transportation in the Holy Land, as well as living expenses while in Makkah.
Before carrying out the badal hajj, individuals who perform the pilgrimage on behalf of others must obtain clear and valid approval from the giver of the mandate. This agreement is a form of agreement and trust between the giver of the mandate and the executor of the badal hajj, which stipulates the law and religious in the context of the implementation of the pilgrimage.
Individuals who perform badal hajj for people who have died must comply with all legal provisions and Islamic law that apply in the implementation of the pilgrimage.
This includes all the rules set by the competent authorities in the Holy Land and respects the traditions and procedures for worship that have been set in Islam.
The last requirement for the badal hajj is that individuals must understand the meaning and procedures of the pilgrimage, and do so with a full sense of responsibility and compliance with the values of Islam.
This understanding will help in carrying out all the pillars of the hajj with full solemnity and blessings.
That's information about the badal hajj requirements for people who have died. Get news updates on other options only on VOI.ID.
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