JAKARTA - The son of former President Soeharto, Bambang Trihatmodjo, is suing the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. Bambang challenged the Minister of Finance's decision regarding the extension of the prevention of traveling abroad in the context of managing state receivables.

Quoted from the website of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN), Bambang Trihatmodjo filed a lawsuit registration on September 15. This lawsuit is registered with case number 179 / G / 2020 / PTUN.JKT.

In his lawsuit, Bambang Trihatmodjo asked PTUN to declare invalid or invalid Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 108 / KM.6 / 2020 dated May 27, 2020 concerning the Stipulation of the Extension of the Prevention of Travel Outside the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia against Bambang Trihatmodjo (Chairman of the Consortium of XIX Sea Games Organizing Partners in 1997 ) in the framework of State Receivables Management.

In addition, Bambang Trihatmodjo in his lawsuit asked PTUN to require the defendant to revoke the Minister of Finance Decree Number 108 / KM.6 / 2020 dated May 27, 2020.

This lawsuit was filed by Bambang Trihatmodjo with his attorney Prisma Wardhana Sasmita. Currently the status of the case is still a preparatory examination.

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