Before reading, please note that this article does not teach readers to make an early suicide attempt. If you have suicidal thoughts, don't hesitate to contact the nearest psychologist and psychiatrist.

JAKARTA - Cengkareng Police received a report of a young woman standing on the pier of the Sumur Bor pedestrian bridge (JPO), Cengkareng, West Jakarta. It is suspected that the woman whose identity has not been identified was trying to end her life by jumping from the height of the JPO.

It is known that the horrific scene took place on Tuesday, March 1, at around 15.30 western Indonesia time. Local residents and road users were caught by the attention of the woman.

Police officers together with residents tried to persuade the woman to come down, giving up her intention. Despite the woman's resistance, the suicide attempt was thwarted.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, Commissioner Adjutant of Police Rahmat, when confirmed by reporters, said that the woman was suspected of having depression so she tried to end her life by jumping out of the JPO.

"It is suspected that the woman was depressed and wanted to end her life," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cengkareng Police, Commissioner Adjutant Rahmat.

However, Rahmat has not provided details about the incident. Because his party is still conducting examinations and assistance to victims, so she won't make another attempt. Until now, the young woman has been secured by officers from the West Jakarta Social Service to be taken to the Kedoya Social Institution.

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