SERANG - Floods that hit Serang City claimed lives. Serang City Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Maruli Ahiles Hutapea, confirmed that five people died due to the flood disaster in Kasemen sub-district, Serang, Banten.

According to Maruli, the average age of the victims who died was from children to adults.

"There have been 5 deaths, this is the latest updated information, all from the Kasemen sub-district (Serang City)," said Maruli when contacted, Tuesday, March 1.

"Some were washed away, some were electrocuted, some were hit by landslides," he continued.

Meanwhile, Serang City BPBD Chief Executive Diat Hermawan said three people were missing due to being swept away by the water. He said that until now, the three victims who were swept away had not been found.

"Tomorrow, sir, because the search process is not carried out at night, right. Because we also measure our own risk," he said.

Regarding the water level, Diat said that currently it has decreased by two meters from the previous five meters.

"The height is 1-2 meters in Kasemen," he said.

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