JAKARTA - The emergence of the Binomo binary options case made many victims who suffered losses finally open their voices. Recently, the figure of Crazy Rich Medan, Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz, has been named a suspect in the alleged crime of online gambling, spreading false news (hoax), and money laundering (TPPU).
Responding to this case, a Member of the House of Representatives from the PAN faction, Intan Fauzi, reminded the public, especially 'traders', to be more careful in choosing investment platforms.
"When it comes to trading, it is clear that something is being traded. If it is an investment, it has value and the rules are clear", said Intan to reporters, Friday, February 25.
The member of Commission VI also suggested that traders, the majority of whom are young people, should be more observant and smart in choosing a trading platform so that they are not deceived, let alone lose billions of rupiah.
"In my opinion, traders say that now you have to do your own research", said Intan.
Moreover, according to the West Java legislator, in the current digital era, young people are not difficulty to access information. Intan alludes to victims who are actually already 'literate' in technology but can still be fooled into choosing a trading platform.
"In my opinion, for people who already use technology, accessing technology can only be done, I'm sure that accessing information is not difficult. Then today's children do your own research", said Intan.
Previously, one of the victims of Binomo, Erick Buana admitted, he has been a trader in the Binomo application since May 2021. He played Binomo because he was tempted by the promotions delivered by Indra Kenz and his friends as affiliates.
"I was tempted by it", he said in a written statement, Thursday, February 24.
He admitted that he was tempted by the lure of profits, aka large and easy to obtain profits, as Indra Kenz cs has always been touting. Erick also believed that Binomo was legal trading, as stated by Indra Kenz.
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