TABANAN - A husband and wife (couple) were arrested by the Baturiti Police, Tabanan, Bali, for stealing a motorbike (Curanmor). The two perpetrators are Imam Anwar (25) and Nabila (29).

"This is a disclosure of a theft case that occurred in the jurisdiction of the Baturiti Police", said Chief of the Baturiti Police, Commissioner Ida Bagus Putu Mertayasa, at the Baturiti Police Headquarters, Thursday, February 24.

The arrest of this couple began with the report of a victim named Ketut Gunarsa who is a resident of Baturiti who lost his motorbike. A Honda Vario motorbike was lost when it was parked in front of a shop on November 16, 2021.

"The victim suffered a loss of IDR 15 million. The motorcycle was lost when the victim was left to buy noodles at the shop with the key still attached", said Commissioner Mertayasa.

From the victim's report, the police investigated to check the CCTV footage.

"Perpetrators are very clever and always move around, this requires sufficient time to be able to make arrests", he said.

Until finally the motorcycle thief couple was arrested on Friday, February 11 in Nusa Dua, Badung.

From the interrogation, this couple admitted to stealing in several places. On October 13, 2021, the perpetrators stole a black Yamaha Jupiter MX DK 5630 ES motorcycle.

On Monday, October 18, this couple stole a Honda Vario. On October 23, this couple stole a Honda Scoopy motorbike.

Then on Friday, October 29, 2021, the two perpetrators also took off a Honda Scoopy DK 2346 GAY.

"The modus operandi of the perpetrators was to easily take the vehicle because the key was attached. The evidence was successfully secured by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Baturiti Police, two motorbikes and several pieces of clothing that were used when committing the crime", he said.

The two couples admitted to stealing the motorbike because of the economic squeeze.

"Residents wherever they are, to be more careful when parking their vehicles, whether to go to the fields, leave the roadside shopping for a moment or park in the garage, the locks should be removed and the vehicle body locks", said Commissioner Mertayasa.

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