JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir has a new business. He was appointed as the leader for the 3rd Istiqlal Festival.

Erick hopes that the festival can provide positive benefits for the people. The most important thing in maintaining tolerance and diversity.

"Alhamdulillah, I am trusted to lead the 3rd Istiqlal Festival. I hope that this festival will become a means of education, expression, and participation for the people. Especially in maintaining tolerance and diversity," said Erick via Twitter as monitored by the editor, Sunday, February 20.

Erick said the 3rd Istiqlal Festival would be held close to the G20.

He said the festival was an opportunity for Indonesia to show the world the rise of modern Islam.

"God willing, this festival event can bring benefits to Indonesian Islamic civilization," said Erick.

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