JAKARTA - The Indonesian Foreign Minister highlighted the importance of strengthening the regional health architecture to anticipate future pandemics, to the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus by the military regime for regional stability and peace, at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting in Cambodia.

In the meeting which was opened by the Secretary General of ASEAN, Indonesia underlined the importance of full implementation of various regional health architecture mechanisms that were formed in the last two years, in anticipation of the upcoming pandemic.

"One of the important things is the establishment of a buffer inventory for medical devices and distribution mechanisms as well as an early warning system in the area," said Foreign Minister Retno in a virtual press statement from Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Thursday, February 17.

"Strengthening regional health architecture will be a building block for strengthening global health architecture, which is one of the priorities of the G-20 Presidency of Indonesia," continued Foreign Minister Retno.

On the same occasion, Foreign Minister Retno also explained, Indonesia is pushing to accelerate the implementation of the ASEAN Travel Corridor Agreement (ATCAF), which is considered to be still slow, either through bilateral agreements or the complete opening of borders with strict health protocols.

"And in the discussion about ACTAF earlier, all ASEAN Foreign Ministers agreed on the importance of implementing ATCAF," said Foreign Minister Retno.

Regarding the situation in Myanmar, Foreign Minister Retno expressed concern for ASEAN countries regarding the lack of significant progress in the implementation of the Five Consensus Points.

She explained that the implementation of this consensus was important for the people of Myanmar, important for stability and peace in the region, and important for ASEAN's credibility. For that, according to her, all countries expect progress in the implementation of this consensus.

"Two important things that we want to see from the implementation of the current Five-Point Consensus are, first, to stop the use of violence. Second, the visit of the Special Envoy for the Chair of ASEAN can be carried out and can have access to communicate and meet with all parties," said Foreign Minister Retno about what was submitted by Indonesia.

"These two things are the first steps of implementation, for the next step towards inclusive dialogue. Indonesia once again emphasizes the importance of the ASEAN Special Envoy to start making contacts with other stakeholders in Myanmar. It is important for ASEAN to listen directly to the concerns and views of these stakeholders," said the Foreign Minister. Retno added the importance of humanitarian aid to reach all Myanmar people in need.

In addition to the things above, Foreign Minister Retno also presented a concept paper on Strengthening ASEAN's Capacity and Institutional Effectiveness. In essence, how ASEAN is prepared to be able to answer various challenges in an increasingly complex world.

In addition, Indonesia also presented a concept paper on Mainstreaming Four Priority Areas of the ASEAN Outlook on Indo-Pacific (AOIP), in which the point is how AOIP can be translated into concrete cooperation that is open, inclusive, and once again puts forward cooperation.

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