SURABAYA - Ponorogo Regent Sugiri Sancoko has responded to the summons of investigators from the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimum) of the Regional Police (Polda) of East Java, regarding reports of alleged fake diplomas by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Sugiri, wearing a plaid shirt, arrived at the East Java Regional Police at around 10.45 WIB, using a black sedan and walked towards the East Java Police Ditreskrimum Building.

"I said it was reported about a fake diploma, so you have to attend (a police call) as a good citizen and obey the law. That's about it," said Sugiri in Surabaya, Tuesday, February 15.

Previously, investigators sent a summons to the Regent of Ponorogo Sugiri Sancoko on February 10, 2022, but he could not attend.

The former member of the East Java DPRD was only able to come today, because on the first call there was a plan for a visit by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin to Ponorogo.

"I asked today, because the Vice President wants to come to Ponorogo on Friday (11/2), so I have to prepare; and it turns out that he (Vice President Ma'ruf) did not come," he said.

Sugiri came to the Ditreskrimum Polda Jatim accompanied by a lawyer.

"Ben is not wrong (so that he is not wrong)," he said.

Sugiri Sancoko was reported to the East Java Police by Reno Bagus Samodro from the NGO Democratic Youth Movement on suspicion of counterfeiting a bachelor's degree.

Sugiri's summons to the Ditreskrimum of the East Java Police is a follow-up to the report received.

The Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police, Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko, said that the progress of the investigation was under the full authority of the investigators of the East Java Police Ditreskrimum.

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