TANGSEL - As many as 23 people became victims of fraud by housing developers in Pondok Kacang Barat, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City (Tangsel).

According to the information reported, the land certificate covering an area of 1.450 square meters belonging to the victim, was allegedly secretly pawned by Samantri.

MS (42), one of the victims, told how he and dozens of other people bought a house in Yasmin Bintaro housing, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang with prices ranging from IDR 600 million to IDR 650 million in 2018. MS said, since 2018 until now the house building has not yet been completed.

"Initially, we had around 23 people, they bought a house in the Yasmin Bintaro housing estate, the price varied around Rp. 600-650 million. It's been from 2018. So it should have been a year," said MS when he met at Yasmin Bintaro Housing, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang City, Wednesday, February 23.

“It keeps getting more and more unclear, some of the buildings are only 90 percent finished, many are still 50 percent. So it's not all finished yet, while all the money has come in," he continued.

MS assesses that the developer is unable to pay compensation or continue the construction.

“Developers are increasingly unable to fulfill their promises. If the construction is delayed, he will have to pay compensation, fines, he will increasingly be unable to fulfill the fines," he said.

MS said, secretly, Samantri pawned the land certificate to W. He admitted that he knew about the mortgage when the buyers mediated with the developer and also W in 2020.

For this incident, MS reported Samantri to the South Tangerang Police and sued W in a civil manner to the Tangerang District Court. He has also been named a suspect.

Meanwhile, the civil trial with Defendant W had entered the agenda of the mediation process. However, the mediation process failed. Finally, the trial is currently ongoing.

For information, the civil trial with Defendant W will take place again on Wednesday, February 2.

"Yesterday the first trial after mediation, we gave evidence to the judge, several hundred pieces as evidence. Later, the judge said he wanted to review the housing location," he said.

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