JAYAWIJAYA - The commander of Kodim 1702/Jayawijaya Lt. Col. Inf. Arif Budi Situmeang emphasized that his party is ready to help the National Police secure the re-voting (PSU) for the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) of Yalimo Regency, Papua on Wednesday, January 26.

Dandim 1702/Jayawijaya Lt. Col. AB Situmeang emphasized that the TNI/Polri together with the Yalimo Regency Government and the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) held a meeting with the Indonesian Bawaslu commissioner for the Legal Division and Datin Fritz E. Siregar to discuss the readiness to hold a re-vote (PSU) Yalimo regional election.

Dandim said that the TNI was ready to assist the police in carrying out the PSU security until it was completed.

The Dandim said that TNI personnel had been deployed in five districts to secure the operation of the PSU.

"We have also prepared personnel ready to be mobilized in Wamena in anticipating the security situation during the process of organizing the PSU in Yalimo Regency. We hope that with the cooperation of all parties in the field, the implementation of this PSU can run well and smoothly," said Dndim in an official statement, Tuesday, January 25. The Forkompinda Coordination Meeting, Bawaslu and PJ Regent Yalimo Dr. Ribka Haluk, representatives of Bawaslu Province Jamaluddin L. Rua, Chairman of the Bawaslu Yalimo Habakuk Mabel and Commissioner Bawaslu Yalimo Yohanes Dogopia on Monday, January 24.Dalam During the meeting, the staff of the Indonesian Bawaslu for Legal Division and the Indonesian Bawaslu Datin, Fritz E. Siregar, asked the TNI/Polri officers to be able to carry out security for Bawaslu in carrying out PSU supervision in Yalimo Regency.

"We also thank the Dandim and the Head of the Resort Police who are ready with their personnel to secure the implementation of this PSU. We hope that the implementation of this PSU can run safely and in an orderly manner," said Fritz Edwar Siregar.

After the 1702/Jayawijaya Dandim coordination meeting with the Acting Regent of Yalimo Regency Ribka Haluk and Yalimo Police Chief AKBP Napitupulu carried out a check on PSU readiness in Elelim District and Abenaho District and carried out logistical checks.

And check PSU equipment and security forces in Elelim District and it is planned to check PSU readiness to Welarek District and Benawa District by using air transportation.

At the PSU for the Yalimo Pilkada on January 26, 2022, two pairs of regents/deputy regents were joined, namely Paslon No. 1 Lakius Peyob-Nahum Mabel and Paslon 2 Nahow Nekwek-John Wilil.

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