JAKARTA - In the midst of undergoing a legal process due to stumbling into a marijuana type drug case, Ardhito Pramono's family submitted a request for rehabilitation.

"That's right, the family has submitted a request for rehabilitation," said the Head of Drug and Drug Control at the Jakarta Metro Police

West AKBP Danang Setyo when contacted, Saturday, January 15.

The request for rehabilitation, said Danang, was submitted on Friday, January 14. However, continued Danang, it was not explained further about the answer to the request.

Confirmed separately, Head of the DKI Jakarta BNN Tagam Sinaga said his party had not yet received a request for Ardhito Pramono's rehabilitation assessment from the West Jakarta Metro Police.

Possible underlying reason as it enters the weekend. Moreover, the DKI Jakarta Provincial BNN service is currently closed.

"There is no application yet, today is a holiday. Monday maybe, yes," said Tagam.

It was previously reported that Ardhito Pramono was arrested on a marijuana case on Wednesday, January 12, in the early hours of the morning. The actor and musician is secured at his residence in the Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta.

In this case, the police confiscated two clips of marijuana weighing 4.8 grams, a pack of papyrus paper, Alprazolam pills with a doctor's prescription.

Ardhito was charged with Article 12 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum imprisonment of 4 years.

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