MEDAN - The North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Intelligence Team arrested fugitive JP former Director of PT Karya Nusantara who was convicted of a corruption case amounting to Rp519.584,436 in the procurement of drinking water facilities in Sibisa, Ajibata District, Toba Regency for the 2007 fiscal year.

"The convict was arrested at Doormer Gang Mardisan Ujung Tanjung Morawa, Deli Serdang Regency," said Head of the North Sumatra High Court IBN Wiswantanu, through Asintel Dwi Setyo Budi Utomo, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 13.

Dwi said that when he was arrested the convict did not fight back and was immediately taken to the North Sumatra High Court, then handed over to Toba Samosir Cabjari in Porsea.

Based on the decision of the Supreme Court Number 1540 K/Pid.Sus/2015 dated December 24, 2016, accepted the demands and granted the prosecutor, even increasing the prosecutor's demands to 5 years in prison and a fine of Rpmonth.

"The convict has been appointed as a DPO since July 31, 2018, and during his escape, the convict JP was in Medan and Tanjung Morawa opened a doorsmer business. Previously, the prosecutor demanded the convict to be 4 years in prison and the judge sentenced him to 1 year and 6 months," he said.

He explained, during the implementation of the work on the Procurement of Drinking Water Facilities in Sibisa (DAK), Ajibata District, Samosir Regency worth Rp1,870,000,000, it turned out that the convict handed over (subcontracted) all the work to TS (DPO).

In this corruption case, there are 5 named suspects, DRS, GN, and AM have already served their sentences, JP has been arrested by the North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office Intelligence Team and TS is currently still on the DPO and is expected to surrender immediately to undergo the Supreme Court's decision.

These five suspects are charged with Article 3 junto Article 18 of Law Number 3 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Corruption junto of Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

"The unlawful act carried out by JP was the execution of the work not on time, and the volume of work not in accordance with the contract. The state financial loss based on the calculation of the State Financial Supervisory Agency (BPKP) Representative of North Sumatra amounted to Rp519.584,436, - and has been paid to the state treasury. The convict then handed over to Cabjari Toba in Porsea to undergo the Supreme Court's decision," said Asintel, North Sumatra's Attorney General.

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