JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, has promised that the Draft Law on the revision of the Criminal Code (RUU KUHP) will be completed in 2022. This is because this bill has been included in the agenda of the 2022 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).

"In principle, we prioritize the National Legislation Program, including the Criminal Code (RUU KUHP). We will finish it, God willing, next year", Dasco told reporters, Friday, December 31.

Dasco revealed that the process of discussing the Criminal Code Bill was going on a lot because there were still a number of articles that had not been agreed upon. Even so, he said, the discussion was tough so that the law could later be perfected and would not have the potential to be sued in the Constitutional Court (MK).

"In fact, there are still some items that have not yet been resolved. Instead, we want the law to be perfect and then not subject to a judicial review", said the daily chairman of the Gerindra Party Central Executive Board.

Dasco explained that the RUU KUHP is currently still in the stage of being refined and socialized by the government. However, he ensured that the DPR would continue to communicate with the government regarding further improvements to the bill.

"Communication with the government continues to run, both the Criminal Code and other laws that are included in the Priority Prolegnas (2022)", said the Banten electoral district legislator.

Previously, the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) urged the Indonesian House of Representatives so that the Criminal Code Bill could be ratified immediately. The insistence was the result of the recommendation of Bahtsul Masail Qanuniyah NU which was held at the 34th Congress in Lampung, December 23-24.

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