JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Alexander Marwata, said there were several obstacles in investigating the alleged corruption of the AW-101 TNI Air Force (AU). Including the difficulty in obtaining the documents needed to carry out the investigation.

"Several times when we coordinated with the TNI at that time, we still had difficulty getting documents from the TNI", Alexander told reporters quoted on Thursday, December 30.

Alexander did not specify what documents were difficult to obtain from the TNI. He even admitted that he did not know further whether the documents had been received by his subordinates or not.

"We do not know the current development. Whether the document has been obtained or not", he said.

Previously reported, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said that the investigation into the alleged corruption of the AW-101 helicopter of the Indonesian Air Force (AU) had been stopped. KPK Investigation Director Setyo Budiyanto said the TNI had stopped investigating the five officers who were suspects.

The five officers were Deputy Governor of the Air Force Academy, First Marshal Fachry Adamy, who was a former commitment maker or Chief of the Air Force Procurement Staff 2016-2017.

In addition, there is also a Lieutenant Colonel of the Indonesian Air Force (Adm) WW as the former Head of Headquarters; Pelda SS as Bauryar Pekas Diskuau; Colonel (Ret.) FTS as former Sesdisadaau; and Marshal of the Indonesian Armed Forces (Ret.) SB as the Special Staff of the Kasau (former Asrena KSAU).

"The investigation into the AW-101 helicopter problem, coordination regarding issues or information related to the TNI has been stopped", Setyo said as quoted from the Indonesian KPK, Tuesday, December 28.

For information, in April 2016 the Indonesian Air Force purchased one unit of the AW-101 helicopter. Two companies participated in the auction, namely PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri and PT Karya Cipta Gemilang.

Then, PT Diratama Jaya Mandiri came out as the winner and increased the contract value to IDR 738 billion. From the procurement project, it was detected that there was a price difference of IDR 224 billion, which was indicated as state loss.

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