JAKARTA - The Regional-owned Enterprises (BUMD) of the Regional Public Water Supply Company Jaya has changed its status to Perumda through a regional regulation that was ratified by the DKI Provincial Government and DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD).

At this moment, the Executive Director of the Jakarta Public Service (JPS), M Syaiful Jihad, said that it was time for PAM Jaya to be serious in stopping cooperation on water privatization with its two partners, namely PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja) and PT Aetra Air Jakarta.

"The privatization of water in the capital city must stop immediately. Moreover, PAM Jaya has officially become a regional public company (perumda) which will make PAM Jaya more flexible in expanding water coverage in Jakarta," Syaiful said when contacted, Wednesday, December 29.

Syaiful views that the water management cooperation contract with the two private companies is considered not so profitable for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Considering that PAM Jaya requires an investment of up to IDR 30 trillion to expand water coverage for Jakarta residents until 2030. However, it turns out that so far Palyja and Aetra have only invested IDR 4 trillion during the contract period.

"Like Palyja, there is minimal investment, but during the cooperation period, there is a lot of profit," he said.

Syaiful emphasized that preparations for terminating the water privatization contract must be carried out immediately. This is because cooperation with partners will end in 2023.

"The partnership with Palyja and Aetra will end soon. This is a momentum for DKI to stop the privatization of water in the capital city," he added.

Furthermore, Syaiful also asked the management of PAM Jaya to evaluate the performance of piped water services so far. So, he said, access to clean water can reach all areas of Jakarta. Especially, in areas that have not been covered by PAM Jaya services so far.

"I hope that later there will be a subsidy scheme for the underprivileged. The effort to facilitate and provide access to clean water for all Jakarta residents is one of Mr. Anies Baswedan's promises. This is a good intention and must be realized because it will actually provide benefits," he concluded.

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