JAKARTA - West Jakarta Metro Police deployed 2,000 joint personnel to monitor four hotspots for mass crowds on New Year's Eve.

"The priority is the Kota Tua Tamansari, Kembangan, Daan Mogot and Pasar Baru Cengkareng areas," said West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Ady Wibowo to reporters, Thursday, December 23.

Anticipation of crowds and security for this Christmas and New Year will be carried out by officers who are members of the 2021 Lilin Jaya Operation from December 24 to January 2, 2022.

"2000 joint personnel from the West Jakarta City Government, Police, TNI and other stakeholders," he said.

During the Lilin Jaya operation, the police will also educate the public not to play with firecrackers. Especially in densely populated areas.

"Of course we will try to carry out activities that are preventive in nature and take action," he said.

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