PBNU General Chairman At The NU Congress Finally Elected Through <i>One Man One Vote</i>
The atmosphere of the opening of the 34th NU Congress at the Darussaadah Islamic Boarding School

LAMPUNG - The long meeting to ratify the rules of the 34th NU Congress finally ended. The plenary meeting has decided that Congress will elect the chairman of PBNU through voting.

Many people have hoped that the election will be carried out by deliberation, not through voting.

But something different will happen in the election of Rais Aam. To elect Rais Aam, the congress will take the way of deliberation from nine branches and regional administrators.

After being elected, these nine formators will hold consultations to determine who will be chosen to replace KH Miftachul Akhyar from Rais Aam.

KH Miftachul Akhyar (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Lukas)

While the election of the General Chair of PBNU, the system is a direct election or one man one vote. Who can choose? They are the NU Regional Manager (PWNU) and the Branch Manager (PCNU).

"The chairman of the PBNU is determined through a one man one vote system, all 560 branches, all of which have a voice, of course, there is a stipulation that they must be in a legal status," said Secretary of the Conference Committee Syahrizal Syarief, Wednesday evening, December 23.

The election of the PBNU General Chair for the 2021-2026 period is narrowed down to two names who are competing. They are KH Said Aqil Siroj and Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya.

They have not officially become general chairman candidates. Because later there will be another mechanism if each candidate for general chairman must have a minimum of 99 votes.

"Later on, there will be a screening," said Syahrizal.

After screening and fulfilling the requirements, a candidate for general chairman must receive the 'green light' from the previously elected Rais Aam. But usually, all names that meet the requirements 'automatically' become candidates for general chairman.

"Rarely Rais Aam does not give approval," he concluded.

KH Said Aqil Siroj (Photo: BPMI Setpres/Lukas)

According to information, the election for the General Chair of PBNU and Rais Aam will be held in Bandar Lampung, not at the Darussa'adah Islamic Boarding School in Gunungsugih, Central Lampung, Lampung, where President Joko Widodo opened this congress this morning.

It's just that there is no certainty of its location. Moreover, in Bandar Lampung, the congress was held in three separate places, UIN Raden Intan, Lampung State University, and Malahayati University.

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