JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Metro Jaya Police will make Jakarta quiet at the turn of the year by implementing the Crowd Free Night (CFN) scheme and closing several tourist sites. This scheme was applied for 6 hours.

"(The application of the CFN, ed) It starts at 22.00 WIB until 04.00 WIB", said Traffic Director of Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, to reporters on Wednesday, December 22.

In the scheme, several locations will be closed. For example, Sudirman-Thamrin Street, Mulawarman Senopati Street, SCBD one area, and Menteng.

Then, the areas of Cikini Raya, Sabang, Kemayoran, Asia-Africa, Bulungan, Barito, Kemang, East Flood Canal, and Kota Tua.

Later, in the implementation of the scheme, entertainment venues such as karaoke and cafes may only operate until 22.00 WIB. After passing the time limit, officers will close the area so that no people can enter.

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter but from the inside, they can leave. Later there will be officers combing the cafe one by one. So that at 22.00 WIB the cafe is closed and empty of visitors, there will be no fireworks", said Sambodo.

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