The Omicron Variant Is Getting More Aggressive, The DPR Asks The Government To Close The Entrance For Foreign Workers

JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) asked the government to be serious about guarding the entrances to Indonesia given the danger and aggressiveness of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. Moreover, after there were Indonesian citizens who tested positive for the virus.

"This variant already exists in Indonesia. It is appropriate to increase vigilance, especially at the entrance to Indonesia, especially international airports," said DPR Commission IX member Saleh Partaonan Daulay in his statement to VOI, Sunday, December 19.

Moreover, it is now confirmed that there are foreign workers from China who have detected the Omicron variant. Saleh emphasized that these foreign workers must be quarantined and isolated strictly.

"It must be ensured that the three foreign workers do not spread the virus to other residents. Of course it is better to anticipate than to treat," said the chairman of the PAN Party faction in the DPR.

The legislator for the North Sumatra constituency admitted that he was surprised that in the midst of a situation where the virus was spreading like this, many foreign workers from China were still entering Indonesia.

"Why are we being asked to strictly implement the health procedures, while foreign workers are passing into Indonesia. Isn't that foreign workers have the potential to bring COVID-19 into Indonesia?," Saleh quipped.

The PAN Party politician also urged the government to temporarily suspend entry permits for foreign workers to Indonesia. At least, said Saleh, during this developing period of Omicron.

"Foregin Workers (TKA) are strictly prohibited from entering. Even if someone has to enter, it is an expert whose expertise cannot be replaced by local workers," said Saleh.

Previously, the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, informed that five cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 had been found in Indonesia. It is important to note that the five people, 3 of whom are Chinese foreign workers, are still suspected of being positive for Omicron.

"We have detected five probable cases of Omicron. Two cases are Indonesian citizens (WNI) who recently returned from the United States and Britain. The two Indonesian citizens are currently being isolated at the Wisma Atlet," said Minister of Health Budi.

In his presentation, Minister of Health Budi said the other three people suspected of being infected with Omicron were foreign nationals (WNA) who came from China (China) and came to Manado, North Sulawesi. Currently, the three probable foreigners are being isolated in quarantine in Manado.

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