MEDAN - The North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) did not issue a permit for the 2022 New Year celebration crowd in an effort to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The North Sumatran Police and the Resort Police did not give permission for crowds during the 2022 New Year celebrations," said North Sumatra Police Head of Public Relations Grand Commissioner Hadi Wahyudi, in Medan, quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 16.

Hadi said the North Sumatra Police together with Kodam I/Bukit Barisan and the local government would continue to improve the Justice Operation in addition to the Candle Operation which will be implemented later.

The "checkpoint" post, Security Post, and Service Post at Ops Lilin Toba will have a "scan barcode" installed on the PeduliLindungi Application.

"The Justice operation that has been running so far will be further enhanced before Christmas and the New Year of 2022. Various steps and efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 will continue to be carried out. The TNI-Polri will not be tired of carrying out this task," he said.

Hadi said that in the Minister of Home Affairs Number 62 of 2021, there are various rules that apply restrictions on the capacity of visitors to entertainment venues, malls, tourist attractions, and places of worship.

"We urge the public to comply with the regulations that have been issued by the government, comply with operating hours, the maximum visitor capacity is 50 percent, as well as the passenger capacity of vehicles and other public transportation," he said.

Hadi appealed to bus owners and entrepreneurs to continue to apply strict health protocols (prokes), such as one seat three must be vacated, passengers and drivers already vaccinated, and preparing a PeduliLindungi Application.

"Later on, every citizen who travels during Christmas and New Year's 2022 while passing through checkpoints in inter-regency/city areas and the North Sumatra border will be checked for vaccination certification through the 'scan barcode' of the PeduliLindung application," he said.

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