JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri is in the spotlight after mentioning that the presidential threshold should be 0 percent. He then said that his statement did not mean he was offending the political realm because he only wanted corruption to be eradicated.

During the Silatnas and Bimtek event for members of the Perindo Party DPRD on Friday, December 10, Firli Bahuri said that the threshold set for advancing in political contestation was 0 percent. In this way, the high cost of politics can be reduced.

"Now people are still excited about what it is, sir, parliament threshold, presidential threshold, we should think now instead of 20 percent, not 15 percent. 0 percent and 0 rupiah. That, sir, if we want to eradicate corruption," said Firli at the time.

This statement was later responded to by a number of parties. Member of Commission II of the DPR RI from the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, supported the statement by the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri who said that the Presidential Threshold must be abolished in order to eradicate corruption in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the PPP faction, Achmad Baidowi or Awiek, thinks that KPK Chair Firli Bahuri does not need to be busy dealing with the presidential threshold.

According to Awiek, Firli should just focus on the duties, principal, and functions of the KPK, namely eradicating corruption in this country. This is because the issue of the threshold in the general election is the main task of the DPR.

"It is better for Firli to focus on the main tupoksi at the KPK, there is no need to take care of things outside of his main duties," he said when contacted.

Not only that, he asked Firli not to throw up issues that were outside his main duties as a KPK leader. "Where is the political dowry? It's better not to throw issues outside of its main functions. It's better to focus on the internals of the KPK," said Awiek.

Firli responded to these statements again. In his written statement, he emphasized that what he conveyed was to prevent corrupt practices. This is because this threshold often opens up opportunities for dowry and makes politics in the country expensive.

"My opinion regarding PT 0 percent is solely for the purpose of handling potential and maximum corruption eradication because that is the concentration of the KPK," Firli said in a written statement, Tuesday, December 14.

"It does not mean that I entered the realm of politics. Once again I emphasize that I did not enter the realm of the political chamber or the chamber of judicial power," added the former Deputy for Enforcement of the KPK.

Firli said that this complaint about the high political costs and the need for large capital is not something new that the KPK has heard. In fact, in several coordination meetings, the anti-corruption commission often hears these complaints.

"KPK absorbs information and complaints directly from the legislative and executive clumps in the regions who complain about the high cost of the pilkada, so it requires large capital. Large capital for the election has the potential to make someone commit a criminal act of corruption, because after winning there will be a return on investment mission," he said.

Seeing this condition, Firli is of the view that if the threshold or Presidential Threshold is then abolished, it will make political dowries disappear and campaign costs will be cheaper. "So that elected officials are freer to work well rather than thinking about corruption to return capital and repay donors," he said.

"So why doesn't this PT 0 percent if indeed the political costs of blind corruption desire for all political officials, then the root of the problem must be addressed immediately. One of them is the presidential threshold," added Firli.

Once again, he emphasized that this statement should not be drawn into the realm of politics. "I just want Indonesia to be free and free from corrupt practices," he said.

"To free him, it is necessary for the role of all the nation's children and a national orchestration to build an anti-corruption culture in an effort to eradicate corruption," said Firli.

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