JAKARTA - The Indonesian government received donations of 1,759,965 doses of Pfizer vaccine from the United States through the COVAX facility which arrived through the 158th stage.

"The government continues to be committed to presenting a COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia," said Health Ministry Vaccination Spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi in a written statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14.

Nadia said the arrival of the vaccine was divided into two stages, at 03.45 pm and 10.15 pm.

She said the safety of vaccine stocks in Indonesia is very important so that distribution can be carried out quickly. The government continues to accelerate the acceleration of COVID-19 vaccination in regions to pursue the target of 70 percent of the population being fully vaccinated.

"We still have two big homeworks, namely pursuing vaccines for dose 1 as much as 30 percent and the second dose at 50 percent and accelerating vaccination for the elderly," she said.

According to her, the distribution of vaccinations is important so that Indonesia can be better protected from COVID-19, which is still a threat today.

The government urges people not to be picky about vaccine brands so that no stockpiles up and even expire. Existing vaccines are vaccines that are proven safe and pass clinical trials.

"Currently, the government is trying to increase vaccination for the outermost and remote areas, which have their challenges to reach them," she said.

Nadia said the increase in cases of COVID-19 transmission in several countries should be used as an alarm (warning) for all parties to be more disciplined in protecting themselves with vaccinations and discipline in implementing health protocols (prokes).

"The public's adherence to discipline in implementing health protocols and vaccinations is the key to controlling the pandemic," she said.

Regarding vaccination for children aged 6-11 years, Nadia, will use the Sinovac vaccine, both produced by Coronavac and Bio Farma. While other vaccines are still waiting for permission and recommendations from the POM and ITAGI or the National Immunization Expert Advisory Committee.

Vaccination will be carried out in stages in cities and districts, with the requirements for vaccination coverage of dose 1 in districts/cities reaching above 70 percent and vaccination for the elderly above 60 percent.

Then, the implementation of vaccination in health facilities, hospitals, health centers, schools, other educational units in cooperation with the Education Office, Religious Affairs Office, Social Service.

"The total target for vaccination of children aged 6-11 years is 26.5 million," she said. Let's prioritize the Sinovac vaccine to accelerate the protection of our children by using other brands of vaccines that are currently available," she said.

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