JAKARTA - Semarang City Police managed to thwart the smuggling of 8 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in Semarang's Tanjung Mas port. After developing the case, the police managed to arrest one suspect with the initials HK (42), a resident of East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said the methamphetamine package came from Central Kalimantan and was smuggled into Central Java.

"The perpetrator of HK was found carrying 8.4 kilograms of methamphetamine," said Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi in a statement received on Monday, December 13.

The mode used by HK was to open the methamphetamine package wrapped in cardboard from a pickup truck, transfer it to the Fuso B 9776 TYU truck on the KM Dharma Kartika VII ship.

Then, continued Inspector General Pol Ahmad Luthfi, the methamphetamine was thrown into one of the trucks that were leaning over at Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang. The suspect was also found to have disposed of the cellphone used to destroy evidence.

"The perpetrator entrusted the goods to an unknown truck. Feeling something was strange, the truck driver reported it to our members for further investigation," explained Luthfi.

"At that time the truck driver did not know what was in the package. Then the suspect would follow the truck. This is a new mode," he explained.

The regional police chief said that at that time the truck driver thought the object thrown by the perpetrator was a bomb. The Semarang KPTE Police who received the report immediately carried out an inspection.

"The truck driver opened the wrapped package in front of our members, and inside there were 8 packages. After we checked the laboratory, it was found that the contents of the package were methamphetamine drugs," he continued.

After investigation, the perpetrator was a recidivist who had just been released from his sentence in Sampit.

"As a result of coordination with the Central Java Police's Narcotics Directorate, the network is still domestic across islands. We are still investigating it," he added.

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