JAKARTA - Yesterday, a group of workers stormed the DKI Jakarta City Hall to urge DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to revise the decree (SK) regarding the increase in the provincial minimum wage (UMP) for 2022.

Anies set the DKI UMP to increase by Rp37 thousand from 2021 to Rp4,453,935. They hold the words Anies made on November 29 last. At that time, Anies came out of his office to meet the workers who were in action. Anies admitted that he would seek to increase the UMP increase.

However, when the workers asked for Anies' words during yesterday's action, Anies did not meet them. The DKI Provincial Government who met the workers in the hearing were members of the DKI TGUPP; Head of Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy Agency Andri Yansyah; and Head of the National Unity and Political Agency, Taufan Bakri.

In fact, the workers have prepared three demands which will be read directly in front of Anies, referring to the decision of the Constitutional Court which stated that the Job Creation Law (Ciptaker) was conditionally unconstitutional.

First, workers interpret that the Constitutional Court's decision must be interpreted that the labor regulations in the Ciptaker Law and its derivative regulations cannot be implemented because the employment sector is classified as a strategic policy and has a broad impact as referred to in the academic text and the content of a quo law.

Second, regarding the minimum wage policy in 2022, the central government and local governments cannot refer to the derivative rules of the Job Creation Law, Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages.

"The 2022 UMP must be based on the provisions of Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower and Government Regulation Number 78 of 2015 concerning Wages," said Indonesian Trade Union Confederation President Said Iqbal in a claim quoted by VOI on Thursday, December 9.

Third, the workers gave Anies an ultimatum to revise the decree related to the DKI Jakarta UMP in 2022. This revised decree must be issued on Friday, December 10.

"The revision of the 2022 UMP Decree is in accordance with the promise that was publicly delivered on November 29, 2021, in front of thousands of action participants," said Said Iqbal.

Regarding Anies' absence from yesterday's labor action, the chairman of the DPD Confederation of All-Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI) AGN DKI Jakarta, William Yani Wea, admitted that the workers were disappointed.

"What is certain is that we are disappointed with the Governor because he did not fulfill his promise on November 29. According to all of us, the Governor when he promised on November 29 was spontaneous. It was just for fun," said the chairman of the DPD Confederation of All Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPSI). ) DKI Jakarta AGN William Yani Wea at DKI City Hall, Wednesday, December 8.

William thought that Anies should be able to revise the UMP without having to wait for the approval of the Ministry of Manpower through the letter that Anies sent earlier.

According to him, with the Constitutional Court's decision on the unconstitutional Job Creation Law, Anies could raise the UMP to a higher nominal than the current one.

This method is done by revoking the decree for determining the DKI UMP in 2022 which uses the basis of PP No. 36 of 2020 which is a derivative rule of the Ciptaker Law and replacing it by using the basic rule of PP No. 78 of 2015.

"When the Governor dared to give a statement on November 29 yesterday, we as workers only had one mind, please go back to PP 78. There the governor just wants to use which one, regional inflation, regional or national economic growth. It's just a decision. No need to meet stakeholders "You don't need to meet with employers, you don't need to meet workers, you just have to decide," explained William.

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