JAKARTA - Harapan Kita Hospital stated that Abraham Lunggana alias Haji Lulung's condition of consciousness continued to decline following a heart attack. In fact, his health is continuously monitored by a team of doctors.

"He is currently in a declining state of consciousness," said the Head of Medical Services at Harapan Kita Hospital, Isman Firdaus when confirmed, Saturday, December 4.

Currently, the recovery process is being carried out. Although, his condition can not be said to improve due to the heart attack.

"The results of repeated heart attacks are still there, still not stable, still in an unstable condition and monitoring by our team," said Isman.

However, Firdaus denied the news that said Haji Lulung was in a coma. But, actually, the team of doctors decided to give Haji Lulung medicine to put him to sleep.

The goal, so that Haji Lulung can rest completely. So, the recovery effort goes fast

"Not put into a coma, but given drugs to put to sleep, sedatives, not drugs for coma but tranquilizers to make him more comfortable," said Isman.

Senior politician Abraham Lunggana alias Haji Lulung is lying in Harapan Kita Hospital. Because he had repeated heart attacks.

Lulung has been undergoing treatment for 10 days. Even now, Lulung is still in the ICU and intensively monitoring the team of doctors.

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