YOGYAKARTA The body's sign of a lack of vitamin C is best recognized from physical appearance. Such as easily broken or loosed hair, spots on nails, and rough skin. However, the lack of vitamin C is more complex. Indicators lack vitamin C, here's an explanation and a list of signs.
If the skin feels rough when pounded, not without reason. Not only marking the lack of topical care, but also marking what you consume that does not meet the body's vitamin C needs. Important to note, vitamin C plays an important role in producing collagen. Collagen is a protein network that is widely found in ikat tissues. Such as skin, hair, joints, bones, and blood vessels. So the sign of vitamin C deficiency can be seen in that section. Especially what can be seen directly is that the skin feels rough, lacks moisture, lacks bending, and dull. This is often referred to as a skinbag, which is due to the buildup of palace proteins in the pores.
Hair whose body is not perfect, or disabled, due to lack of protein structure. As explained above, collagen plays a role in forming protein networks, including hair. This is one of the typical signs of vitamin C deficiency, which may also make your hair easily broken and fall out.
Curved nails resemble a spoon with a thin texture and easily broken, a sign of vitamin C deficiency. In addition to lack of vitamin C, twisted nails can also be associated with iron deficiency anemia. The sign, the red spots appear or vertical lines on the base of the nail. This is because blood vessels are weakened and may break.
Bruise occurs when the blood vessels under the skin burst, causing blood to leak into the surrounding area. Easily bruised is also a common sign of lack of vitamin C, because collagen production is poor, causing blood vessels to be weak.
Still related to collagen, the lack of vitamin C produced by collagen is slow, causing injuries to heal longer. According to research reported by Healthline, Monday, November 25, people with chronic leg ulcus who never recover are more likely to lack vitamin C than those who do not have chronic leg turns. In cases of severe vitamin C deficiency, old wounds can even reopen, increasing the risk of infection.
Sendi contains many connective tissues that are rich in collagen. The joints can also be affected by vitamin C deficiency. Many patients report cases of joint pain related to lack of vitamin C. Often the condition is severe enough to cause limping and difficulty walking. Bleeding in the joints can also occur in people who lack vitamin C, which causes swelling and additional pain.
Facts suggest that low intake of vitamin C is associated with an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Research also found that vitamin C plays an important role in bone formation, so the shortfall can increase the rate of bone loss.
The red, swollen, and bleeding gums are common signs of lack of vitamin C. Without enough vitamin C, the gums weaken and inflame and the blood vessels break easily. In the advanced stage of lack of vitamin C, the gums may even appear purple and rotten. Finally, the teeth can date due to unhealthy gums and weak dentins, the inner lining of the teeth that experiences calcification.
Based on research reports, vitamin C is accumulated in various types of immune cells that help fight infection and destroy pathogens that cause disease. The body's vitamin C intake is lacking, associated with poor immunity and higher risk of infection including serious diseases such as pneumonia.
There are also many cases of experiencing skin disease, or specifically kudis, due to lack of vitamin C. Please note, exposure to certain diseases with a poor immune system can cause death.
Vitamin C helps protect against obesity by regulating the release of fat from fat cells, reducing stress hormones, and reducing inflammation. Research found that low vitamin C intake is associated with excess body fat. But it's not clear whether this relationship includes causes or correlations with each other.
In addition to the ten body signs of vitamin C deficiency as described above, it can also be characterized by chronic inflammation and oxidative stress. Both are associated with many chronic diseases, such as heart and diabetes. Lack of vitamin C also causes a bad mood and fatigue.
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