JAKARTA - The shooting case at the exit of the Bintaro Toll Road, Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta, some time ago, allegedly dragged two different agencies. The perpetrator of the shooting was a police officer with the initials Second Inspector OS, a member of the Highway Patrol Unit (PJR) of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police.

The shooting incident occurred when members of PJR Second Inspector OS received a report that there was a resident with the initials O who felt threatened because the shooting victim was stalking him.

Then the resident reported and was directed by Second Inspector OS to the PJR Jaya 4 Unit office. In fact, according to information circulating, the resident who reported to the member of the Dirlantas Polri was a staff member of an official in DKI Jakarta.

Responding to the rumors, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, responded by immediately checking the information regarding the news that officials in DKI Jakarta had been dragged away. Riza admitted that he did not know about the news.

"I just heard about it from the media, we will check it soon," said Deputy Governor Riza, Wednesday, December 1.

In addition, according to the Deputy Governor, the police in charge of course will take steps against anyone who threatens other people and takes actions that are not good.

"The police will swiftly follow up, like the incident in Bintaro," he said.

The Deputy Governor appealed to the public to be wiser when responding to problems. All Jakartans must also be careful in the future.

"We must not intimidate each other, let alone threaten each other," he said.

Issues of Special Staff of DKI DPRD Chairperson

Apart from the facts that have been found, there is an issue that mentions that this case involves the special staff (Stafsus) of the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi. Stafsus Edi is said to have been followed by the shooting victim.

However, the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan, who was confirmed about this, said he could not confirm it. The reason is that until now the shooting case is still being investigated.

"It will be investigated later," said Zulpan.

He said, currently his party is still investigating the shooter who is also a member of the police, Second Inspector OS. In the investigation, his party involved the Propam of Metro Jaya Police and the National Police.

After the examination is complete, he promised to convey the full information to the public. "Later, it's still being investigated. That's why the team from Propam went down, Paminal went down," said Zulpan.

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