JAKARTA - The shooting case at the Bintaro toll exit has been revealed. There were two victims of this shooting, one of whom died.

In the process of disclosing this case, several facts were revealed. Starting from the perpetrators who are members of the police to the issue involving the special staff (stafsus) of the Chairman of the DKI DPRD.

Police Actors

One of the facts, in this case, is related to the shooter. From the results of the investigation process, it was found that the perpetrator was a police officer.

The Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan said the perpetrators of the shooting of Poltak Pasaribu and M. Aruan had the initials Second Inspector OS. He is a member of the Directorate of Traffic Metro Jaya Police.

"The culprit is Second Inspector OS," Zulpan told reporters, Tuesday, November 30.

In addition, Second Inspector OS is also said to be on duty in the Highway Patrol Unit (PJR).

But regarding the motive behind the shooting, Zulpan still cannot provide details. The reason, Second Inspector OS is still undergoing intensive examination.

"It is now in the stage of examination and investigation to reveal the motive for the incident," Zulpan continued.

Shooting Moments

In addition, the results of the investigation and the examination of witnesses revealed the chronology of the shooting. It all started with a person with the initials O who was driving Ayla's car from Sentul, West Java, on Friday, November 26.

On the way, he felt that he was being followed by an unknown person. So, he was afraid.

"The reporter was followed from one hotel in Sentul. Then followed by several cars," said the Director of General Crime Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Tubagus Ade Hidayat.

Then, O also reported the alleged tailings. However, it did not specify how to report it.

With the report, O was directed to the Bintaro toll exit, to be precise to the main Highway Patrol (PJR) 4 office.

"Because of the threat, the person (O) reported it to the police because the members of the National Police serving there were directed to go there to be safe," said Tubagus.

Not long after, O arrived at the PJR Main 4 office. Then, there was a riot. In fact, Second Inspector OS had given a warning shot.

However, unknown people who were later identified as Poltak Pasaribu and M. Aruan were about to hit O. In the end, Second Inspector OS shot both of them.

"The witness said that he wanted to be hit and shot twice, which hit the victim," said Tubagus.

After the shooting, the two victims were immediately taken to the hospital. However, Poltak Pasaribu, who had received treatment, could not be helped until he died.

Not a suspect yet

On the other hand, the police have not named Second Inspector OS as a suspect in the shooting incident at the Bintaro toll exit. The reason is that there is not enough evidence.

"Currently, the person concerned has not been named as a suspect, why? Because to determine him as a suspect, at least 2 pieces of evidence must be provided," said Tubagus.

During the investigation, continued Tubagus, there was indeed a shooting incident. However, there are still elements that must be investigated by investigators in determining the suspect.

"The shooting incident did occur, the incident that caused injuries to people did occur, but the purpose of this report still needs to be investigated," said Tubagus.

Moreover, the handling of this case also involved Propam. So, until now we are still waiting for the results of the investigation by the Propam Metro Jaya Police and the National Police.

"The investigation was carried out by the Propam Division and also the Propam Bid of the Metro Jaya Police," said Tubagus

The Special Issues of the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD

Apart from the facts that have been found, there is an issue that mentions that this case involves the special staff of the Chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi. Stafsus Edi is said to have been followed by the shooting victim.

However, the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan, who was confirmed about this, said he could not confirm it. The reason is that until now the shooting case is still being investigated.

"It will be investigated later," said Zulpan.

He said, currently his party is still investigating the shooter who is also a member of the police, Second Inspector OS. In the investigation, his party involved the Propam Metro Jaya Police and the National Police.

After the examination is complete, he promised to convey the full information to the public. "Later, it's still being investigated. That's why the team from Propam went down, Paminal went down," said Zulpan.

On the other hand, Zulpan revealed the identities of the two shooting victims. They are Poltak Pasaribu and M. Aruan, one of whom works as a journalist.

"This victim is a journalist, admit it. But later the investigation will be carried out by investigators," said Zulpan.

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