JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said the government would limit mobility and adjust social activities to control COVID-19 during Christmas and New Year holidays.

"It's only a matter of days before Christmas and New Year's momentum, the government continues to monitor the condition of controlling COVID-19 to maintain a sloping national case condition and emphasize the increase in cases that have begun to occur in several regencies/cities", said Wiku Adisasmito when delivering a press statement. The development of the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia, which was followed from the BNPB YouTube in Jakarta, Tuesday afternoon.

Wiku said the government was responsive to controlling COVID-19 in the country, including through situational restrictions on people's mobility.

The mobility restriction in question is in the form of the implementation of an odd-even system in the agglomeration areas of provincial capitals, tourist areas, and other areas that are adapted to increasing the mobility of places.

Wiku said the restrictions also apply to domestic mobility with health screening, both for routine long-distance travel and logistics.

According to Wiku, the government established checkpoint posts in their respective regions by implementing agencies in the field of transportation, Civil Service Police Unit, TNI, and Police to conduct random testing and monitor mobility on land routes which often escape surveillance.

In the adjustment sector for community social activities, said Wiku, the government regulates tightening health protocols on types of worship activities, including calls for celebrations or virtual gatherings.

"Regulation of activities at tourist attractions and in public facilities as well as eliminating Christmas and New Year's leave, going home and school holidays", he said.

The COVID-19 Task Force Circular Number 24 of 2021 which regulates activities for the Christmas and New Year periods for domestic travel, said Wiku, instructed all regions to activate the COVID-19 Task Force officers from the provincial to sub-district levels.

The task force is in charge of monitoring community social activities by setting 3M's obligations in public facilities.

"If it has not been formed, the regional government will also immediately follow up on its formation immediately and make sure to report on the monitoring of the system centered on the national COVID-19 Task Force", he said.

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