Those In Charge Of Pancasila Youth Ormas Demo Will Be Examined In The Aftermath Of Police Persecution

JAKARTA - The police will examine the person in charge of the demonstration from Pemuda Pancasila (PP). The summons was the result of a riot of persecution by police personnel.

"We will also call the person in charge of the demonstration," said the Head of Public Relations of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Grand Commissioner E. Zulpan, to reporters, Thursday, November 25.

However, the time for the summons was not specified. Grand Commissioner Zulpan emphasized that the person in charge would be held accountable for the actions that led to chaos.

"We ask for accountability that resulted in today's demonstrations, which resulted in riots and also anarchic actions," said Zulpan.

In addition, he said that the demonstration of the Pancasila Youth Organization was indeed granted permission. Of course with sharing conditions.

However, because of the persecution, the police said, the PP mass organizations were deemed unable to fulfill their commitment to hold peaceful demonstrations. Therefore, law enforcement will be carried out.

"So there should not be any organization that puts itself above the law, this needs to be a record for us PP organizations in today's activities as if placing them above the law even against law enforcement officers who are not their opponents but officers who secure their activities," Zulpan said.

Previously, Metro Jaya Police arrested several members of Pemuda Pancasila (PP) related to the case of mistreatment of the Head of Binops Ditlantas Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Dermawan Karosekali. In total, there are 15 people who have become suspects.

The determination of the suspects against dozens of PP members was carried out after an initial examination. Not only were they suspected of being molested, but they were also found to be carrying sharp weapons.

Police also found two bullets. The team developed case management to find out the owner of the bullet.

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